Conversation and Song
In these recordings you will hear the voices of Barrovians native and naturalised in conversation about growing up on and around Barrow. You will hear their early memories as locals and first impressions as visitors. You will hear if their early visits to the Park, their recollections about the Bandstand and their thoughts about the importance of the Park and its place in the life of the town.
You'll find a special folder of some
Early Memories here, as an introduction for schools groups:
If you would like to add your voice to this archive, contact us at the address on this site.
Further edits from some of these interviews
can be heard in this audio version of our "Corporation Pop" video. This piece was made for local radio station candoFM and was first broadcast on Jan 26 2019.
Here are the two sides of a privately produced LPby the Barrow Madrigal Society in the 1970's. It features the voice of Doreen Dunlop, whose husband Clarry can be heard in our Voices collection on the right..